Louis Gédéon LAVEYSSIEREAge: 88 years1904–1992
- Name
- Louis Gédéon LAVEYSSIERE
- Given names
- Louis Gédéon
- Surname
Birth | June 5, 1904 38 29 |
Marriage | Madeleine Odette BOUDIE — View this family September 24, 1931 (Age 27 years) |
Occupation | industriel 1931 (Age 26 years) |
Death of a father | Jean LAVEYSSIERE September 7, 1933 (Age 29 years) |
Death of a maternal grandfather | Pierre MARCOU March 21, 1935 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marie Elisa VIEILLESCAZES March 21, 1935 (Age 30 years) |
Death of a mother | Marie Ezilda MARCOU August 24, 1949 (Age 45 years) |
Death of a brother | Edmond LAVEYSSIERE October 12, 1981 (Age 77 years) |
Death of a wife | Madeleine Odette BOUDIE September 27, 1984 (Age 80 years) |
Death | July 18, 1992 (Age 88 years) |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean LAVEYSSIERE Birth: July 30, 1865 15 38 — Cuzance 46086, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: September 7, 1933 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
mother |
Marie Ezilda MARCOU Birth: July 27, 1874 22 20 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: August 24, 1949 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Marriage: February 22, 1895 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
17 months elder brother |
Louis LAVEYSSIERE Birth: August 6, 1896 31 22 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: May 7, 1900 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
3 years elder brother |
Edmond LAVEYSSIERE Birth: December 8, 1899 34 25 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: October 12, 1981 — Brive-la-Gaillarde 19031, Corrèze, Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France |
2 years elder brother |
Louis Gédéon LAVEYSSIERE Birth: May 11, 1902 36 27 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: December 4, 1902 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
2 years himself |
Louis Gédéon LAVEYSSIERE Birth: June 5, 1904 38 29 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: July 18, 1992 — Nègrepelisse 82134, Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitanie, France |
Family with Madeleine Odette BOUDIE |
himself |
Louis Gédéon LAVEYSSIERE Birth: June 5, 1904 38 29 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: July 18, 1992 — Nègrepelisse 82134, Tarn-et-Garonne, Occitanie, France |
wife |
Madeleine Odette BOUDIE Birth: April 13, 1914 40 34 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: September 27, 1984 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Marriage: September 24, 1931 — Carennac 46058, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Source | Recensement 46 CARENNAC>1931 Citation details: FRAD46_6M312 vue 7/22 |
Source | Recensement 46 CARENNAC>1906 Text: Carennac 1906 1906 6 M 221 vue 5/16 |
Source | Recensement 46 CARENNAC>1911 Text: Carennac 1911 1911 6 M 248 vue 9/28 |
Source | Web-site>Geneanet Citation details: Fichier Insee |
Source | Etat civil 46 CARENNAC>1904 naissance : LAVEYSSIERE Louis Gedeon Quality of data: primary evidence Note: FRAD46_4E4406_0152 acte n°8
Source | LAVEYSSIERE Louis Gedeon 1904 naissance Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 2,360 × 1,601 pixels File size: 591 KB Type: Document |