Peyronne MAURYAge: 40 years1612–1652
- Name
- Peyronne MAURY
- Given names
- Peyronne
- Surname
- Married name
Note: sosa n°27889
Birth | about 1612 Address: Mayrinhac le Francal |
Residence | February 6, 1639 (Age 27 years) Address: Mayrinhac le Francal |
Marriage | Jean (s) “Michol” LASFARGUES — View this family September 6, 1639 (Age 27 years) Address: Mayrinhac le Francal |
Birth of a son #1 | Anthoine Antoine LASFARGUES May 16, 1641 (Age 29 years) |
Death | April 10, 1652 (Age 40 years) Age: 40 ans |
Family with parents |
father |
… MAURY Death: |
brother |
… … Death: |
herself |
Peyronne MAURY Birth: about 1612 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: April 10, 1652 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Family with Jean (s) “Michol” LASFARGUES |
husband |
Jean (s) “Michol” LASFARGUES Birth: about 1619 47 40 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: after 1671 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France |
herself |
Peyronne MAURY Birth: about 1612 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: April 10, 1652 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Marriage: September 6, 1639 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France |
20 months son |
Anthoine Antoine LASFARGUES Birth: May 16, 1641 22 29 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: March 31, 1729 — Rocamadour 46240, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Name | sosa n°27889 |