Pierre BERGOUGNOUXAge: 2 years1756–1759
- Name
- Given names
- Pierre
- Surname
Birth | October 30, 1756 13 38 |
Baptism | October 30, 1756 Note:
Birth of a brother | Barthélémy BERGOUGNOUX June 10, 1758 (Age 19 months) |
Death | September 21, 1759 (Age 2 years) Age: 3 ans Note:
Family with parents |
father |
Jean BERGOUGNOUX Birth: before 1743 — , Lot, Occitanie, France Death: before 1793 — , Lot, Occitanie, France |
mother |
Marque Marguerite SOULADIE Birth: about 1718 — Alvignac 46003, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: May 27, 1793 — Miers 46193, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Marriage: November 26, 1755 — Miers 46193, Lot, Occitanie, France |
11 months himself |
Pierre BERGOUGNOUX Birth: October 30, 1756 13 38 — Miers 46193, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: September 21, 1759 — Miers 46193, Lot, Occitanie, France |
19 months younger brother |
Barthélémy BERGOUGNOUX Birth: June 10, 1758 15 40 — Miers 46193, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: February 12, 1827 — Miers 46193, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Source | Web-arbre>BLANC Françoise (francoisebl) Publication: https://www.geneanet.org/profil/francoisebl Citation details: MAJ : 08/02/2021 Text:
Quality of data: secondary evidence Note:
Source | BMS 46 MIERS>1756 bapteme : BERGOUGNOUX Pierre Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Miers 1720 1792 EDT 193 E 1 vue 134/279
Source | BMS 46 MIERS>1759 inhumation : BERGOUGNOUX Pierre Quality of data: primary evidence Note: Miers 1711 1791 4 E 282-1 vue 227/780
Baptism |
Death |
Source | BERGOUGNOUX Pierre 1756 bapteme Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,495 × 240 pixels File size: 42 KB Type: Document |
Source | BERGOUGNOUX Pierre 1759 inhumation Format: image/jpeg Image dimensions: 1,370 × 363 pixels File size: 93 KB Type: Document |