Pierre (s1) PRADELLEAge: 17 years1739–1756
- Name
- Pierre (s1) PRADELLE
- Given names
- Pierre (s1)
- Surname
Note: 78a.s1-006954
Birth | February 8, 1739 36 22 Citation details: FRAD46_4E298-1_0177 |
Baptism | February 10, 1739 (Age 2 days) Citation details: FRAD46_4E298-1_0177 |
Birth of a brother | Pierre PRADELLE December 27, 1745 (Age 6 years) Address: Lablate |
Death of a maternal grandmother | Marie (s) AMADIEU October 27, 1753 (Age 14 years) Address: le Mas d'Andrieu |
Birth of a sister | Marie (s1) PRADELLE before 1754 (Age 14 years) |
Death | before August 6, 1756 (Age 17 years) Citation details: FRAD46_4E298-1_0177 Citation details: consulté avant 2013 |
Family with parents |
father |
Jean PRADELLE Birth: about 1703 53 23 — , Lot, Occitanie, France Death: April 26, 1768 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France |
mother |
Peyronne GUIRAUDET Birth: before 1717 41 23 — , Lot, Occitanie, France Death: January 13, 1787 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France |
Marriage: April 29, 1732 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France |
2 years elder brother |
Pierre (s1) PRADELLE Birth: October 3, 1734 31 17 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: after 1782 |
2 years elder brother |
Mathurin (s1) PRADELLE Birth: October 13, 1736 33 19 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: January 19, 1783 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France |
2 years himself |
Pierre (s1) PRADELLE Birth: February 8, 1739 36 22 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: before August 6, 1756 |
16 years younger sister |
Marie (s1) PRADELLE Birth: before 1754 51 37 Death: after March 31, 1785 |
6 years younger sister |
Peyronne (s1) PRADELLE Birth: before 1759 56 42 Death: after February 3, 1781 |
-26 years elder brother |
Bernard (s1) PRADELLE Birth: February 4, 1733 30 16 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: May 7, 1810 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France |
13 years younger brother |
Pierre PRADELLE Birth: December 27, 1745 42 28 — Montvalent 46208, Lot, Occitanie, France Death: after August 24, 1802 — , Lot, Occitanie, France |
Birth | BMS 46 MONTVALENT>1739 baptême : PRADELLE Pierre Citation details: FRAD46_4E298-1_0177 |
Baptism | BMS 46 MONTVALENT>1739 baptême : PRADELLE Pierre Citation details: FRAD46_4E298-1_0177 |
Death | BMS 46 MONTVALENT>1739 baptême : PRADELLE Pierre Citation details: FRAD46_4E298-1_0177 |
Death | Web-arbre>CALMON Emmanuel (selethil) Citation details: consulté avant 2013 |
Name | 78a.s1-006954 |