
Marc (s1) CAHIER1677

Marc (s1) CAHIER
Given names
Marc (s1)
Note: 1512a.s1-007576
Birth May 23, 1677 43 37
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Death of a paternal grandfatherFrançois (s) CAHIER
November 12, 1679 (Age 2 years)
Birth of a sisterJeanne (s1) CAHIER
August 11, 1680 (Age 3 years)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Birth of a brotherPierre (s1) CAHIER
October 10, 1683 (Age 6 years)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Marriage of a siblingAmbroise CAHIERJeanne POUSSINView this family
June 18, 1696 (Age 19 years)
_MLBL: n°fs.756a
Death of a motherJeanne (s) REBOUSSIN
before 1699 (Age 21 years)

MarriageCatherine (s1e) MEUNIERView this family
June 25, 1699 (Age 22 years)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Birth of a son
Marc (s2) CAHIER
1700 (Age 22 years)

Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Birth of a son
Ambroise (s2) CAHIER
1701 (Age 23 years)

Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Birth of a daughter
Louise (s2) CAHIER
1702 (Age 24 years)

Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Death of a wifeCatherine (s1e) MEUNIER
after 1702 (Age 24 years)

Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Death of a fatherAmbroise (s) CAHIER
May 6, 1704 (Age 26 years)
Marriage of a siblingPierre (s1) CAHIERMarie (s1e) RICHERView this family
July 15, 1706 (Age 29 years)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Death of a brotherAmbroise CAHIER
before 1722 (Age 44 years)

Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
Family with parents - View this family
Marriage: November 5, 1663Prunay-Cassereau 41184, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
7 years
elder brother
Ambroise CAHIER
Birth: September 21, 1670 36 30Prunay-Cassereau 41184, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
Death: before 1722probable 41, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
14 months
elder brother
Jean (s1) CAHIER
Birth: November 14, 1671 37 31Prunay-Cassereau 41184, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
3 years
elder sister
Marie (s1) CAHIER
Birth: August 15, 1674 40 34Prunay-Cassereau 41184, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
3 years
3 years
younger sister
Jeanne (s1) CAHIER
Birth: August 11, 1680 46 40Prunay-Cassereau 41184, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
3 years
younger brother
Family with Catherine (s1e) MEUNIER - View this family
Marriage: June 25, 1699Prunay-Cassereau 41184, Loir-et-Cher, Centre-Val-de-Loire, France
18 months
2 years
2 years

BirthWeb-arbre>LHOMME Damien (lholho)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
MarriageWeb-arbre>LHOMME Damien (lholho)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
DeathWeb-arbre>LHOMME Damien (lholho)
Citation details: MAJ : 28 mars 2014
